Wednesday, April 29, 2015

My First Post

Yeah, um, so I guess I need to get something down on the page so I can get this blog started.

Sometimes I don't even want to hear what I have to say, so I can't imagine you are pumped up to read what I am thinking.

In reference to my love rants, can't help it.

Love has been written about, sang about, thought about since the beginning of time.  It is built into our pshyce.

But fuck if I can figure it out.  I realize I am nothing amazing but goddamn, I try and have tried.  Fuck, why should I keep trying.

Much better men than me have gone crazy because of love.  I guess I am lucky I have come out the other side.

I don't think I am necesarrly better because of it, but I am different.  Not smarter but different.

What the fuck????????????

About Me And My Blog

Here is the Readers Digest Version of my story.

A witch by the sea?  Not really, but witchery by the sea.  Bewitched by love, the sea never leaving my veins, my brains, my being.

Love of the sea or love of love by the sea.  How many times did I fall in love by the sea?

With what I was reading, what I was eating, what I was touching, what I was kissing.

Most of the love affairs lasted, except the human ones.  The ones which never really last.  No matter what.

I should have started my true love affair at the sea, had the sea witch help with her witchery to wrap my lover up in the strands of my love, but I guess it was not meant to be.

That's me, sorry.